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Computer Service:Restore the operating system!

 Operating System A major part of your system

Hi is your computer running slower than normal? Are you being constantly bombarded with those

pesky popups & viruses? Is your computer constantly crashing with little to no warning?

computer-virus_500x658Are you locked out of your computer? Then I have an easy solution for you.

If you are experiencing any of these problems above then the PC Doctor will be glad to assist you. With my computer repair services no problem is either too big or small. This includes both Desktops & Laptops.

This process can take up to a few hours to complete. All of these issues can be fixed by restoring the operating system.

Now many of you maybe wondering what do you mean by restoring the operating system. What I mean is that your computer will be brought back to its original settings just like when you’ve first brought your computer.

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Operating System

Operating System

All your information will be erased unless that data is backed up before starting the process. I find this solution to be a lot faster and more efficient to ensure greater stability for your computer. With that said all your previous software programs will have to be reinstalled.

This includes anything from drivers for your hardware and software. Lastly if you’ve antivirus software make sure you reinstall it before surfing the web.

Operating System

Operating System

I hope this information has proven to be helpful and insightful. If you require further assistance feel free to contact me for my computer repair services.

Below are a couple of questions I would need to know!

1. What is the make and model of your computer? 

2. What is the operating system of your computer? (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8) 

3. Do you have any important information that has to be saved (Documents, Pictures, Music, Videos, etc) 

Normally this process can be completed within a few hours or less. Otherwise within the same day of working on your computer.

Once completed you will be promptly notified of the jobs completion. I do not charge by the hour nor time for travel. If you do not know any of the answers of these questions don’t worry I will happily find out for you.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post and feel free to sign up and post comments. Look for more service announcements in the the future regarding my computer repair services.

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