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PC Tips: OHHH NOO My Hard Drive DIED!!!!

PC Tips

PC Tips

PC Tips – This is what you would say if this actually happened!


There are steps you can take before this happens to YOU!


PC Tips

PC Tips


PC Tips: Part 1

Below is a series of computer tips and helpful information to ensure the future of your computer and its valuable information. Computer tip number one. The first step in preparing for the inevitable. Eventually no matter the brand all hard drives will crash or die depending on their expected life cycle.

The question you maybe asking yourself is what can I do to prevent this catastrophe? One word PREVENTION.

PC Tips: Part 2

You must regularly backup all your important data to another external device. This can be done to (flash drives, CDS, DVDs,  Hard drives, and external hard drives.)

 PC Tips: Part 3

Normally its best to run backups every couple of months or you could do it monthly or weekly. Personally I backup my data anywhere between a month or two. Depending on how much data you have especially if this is your first time. It can be a very time consuming process.

PC Tips: Part 4

Once your data is secure its best to store the copied information in a good location. I cannot stress enough how important it is to regularly back up your data. To those that has never backed up any data may want to start as soon as possible before it is too late.

Click here for help! 

Final Message

If your hard drive has crashed feel free to call me if you need help with hard drive replacement and re-installing the operating system.  Or if you wish to learn the steps to properly backup your data. Feel free to call me directly for any information regarding computer tips, computer repair, and my computer services. Don’t forget to sign up and stay up to date for any new & upcoming posts.

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